You are POWERFUL, and you can have the life you desire, but there are times in life when you are going through any challenges, or when your life is just full-on that you can forget that
Words That Inspire will remind you of all that is possible, all you are
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These emails have been created to remind you to NEVER quit on what you desire, on yourself, on believing you are worthy, deserving, loved
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Adele challenged me to look deeply within myself and I found that I was able to change my script on my outlook on life and I am now a much happier, content and positive person. I am also more confident and more assertive.
Adele’s approach was empathic and thorough and I would say goal orientated which allowed me to focus on my own aspirations.
IC, Social Services
Real change has happened to me since working with Adele. Colleagues comment that I look different but struggle to articulate in what ways. They use phrases such as “there is a new sense of calm around you”, “you look so chilled”
I have gained clarity in life, re-balanced work and home commitments, and I am ready and confident to take my next exciting step.
3 Column
CM, Director
Adele performed in a warm yet professional manner. As a coach, she surpassed what I had expected. She was excellent.
I feel calmer and more measured and feel a lot more gratitude for things in my life than I previously did. As a result, I have so far lost over a stone in weight, and reward myself for small achievements which I never did before.
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